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A winning – if grey – week

Unsurprisingly given the wretched summer we have had, the Cricket Week suffered from rained-off matches and what cricket there was was played almost solidly under leaden skies […]

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Blown away by the Hermits

After a Cricketer Cup win against Marlborough, we were brought back down to earth with a thoroughly dispiriting defeat at the hands of Haileybury Hermits […]

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A week of wins

A new-look week of 40-over matches was the order of the day and we won four out of four in between the showers […]

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Heavy loss to School

Another year, another resounding loss in the annual match against the School, a fixture which dates back to 1869 but which of late has become an increasingly one-sided affair […]

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Cricketer Cup misery

A dismal exit from the Cricketer Cup should serve as a wake-up call to the club if we are to continue to be regarded as one of the serious contenders […]

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