Andrew Roberts delivers inaugural OC talk

Andrew Roberts (East, 1981), distinguished and award-winning historian and author of many crticially acclaimed books, will be giving the Roberts Club’s inaugural talk on ‘Why Hitler lost’ on Tuesday May 31

Internationally renowned for his ability to address an audience Andrew has delivered speeches to up to 9,000 people at prestigious institutions which include the White House, has appeared on several of BBC’s Question Time programmes, and is to commentate of next month’s Royal Wedding for NBC, America.

The talk will be held in the Garden Room of the appropriately academic Athenaeum Club, 77 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ER, by Nick Meyer’s kind information. The evening will start at 7.00pm with drinks, and Andrew will begin speaking at around 7.30. Those wishing to stay on for refreshments afterwards would be welcome to do so.

The Club will build on the success of Alan Smith’s Purvis Society, and will offer celebrated speakers in the future to all OCs.  It will be a hugely enjoyable and stimulating evening; for more details, or to reserve a ticket free of charge, please e-mail – space is limited and tickets will be allocated on a first-reserve basis.